There are 2 discount types: product discount and order discount.

1. Product discount: Selly sale, upSale, bundle, wholesale offer and Shopify discount "applies to specific products or collections".

2. Order discount: Selly motivator offer and Shopify order discount.

3. Discount combination:

If discounts are the same type, the highest discount is applied. 

If discounts are NOT the same type, product discounts are calculated before order discounts. 


Below are some practical examples about a cart contains product A $100 and product B $200:

1. Selly discount 10% for product A, Shopify discount code 10% for product B.

=> 2 discounts are applied normally: A $90, B $180, cart $270.

2. Selly discount 10% for product A, Shopify discount code 20% for product A.

=> The higher discount 20% is applied to A:  A $80, B $200, cart $280.

If you want to offer customers 10 + 20 = 30% => you can set the discount value of the code to 30% instead.

3. Selly discount 10% for product A, Shopify order discount code 10%.

=> 2 discounts are applied normally: A $90, B $200, cart 290 * 90% = $261